The Neediest Kids of All Policy and Procedures
The funds received by the Neediest Kids of All Program represents a “public trust”. All persons contributing have a common desire to see that a child in need is assisted; therefore, care must be exercised by all participants in the program that such a trust is maintained.
The funds shall be allocated to schools and educational organizations in the Greater Cincinnati area on the basis of serving needy children.
The funds shall not be used to duplicate existing social service programs unless it is clearly established, they cannot meet the need in question.
The Executive Committee reserves the right at any time to request an audit of the NKOA funds given to any school or educational organization.
The Executive Director administers the disbursement of funds up to $2,000. All requests for financial assistance beyond $2,000 must be approved by the Executive Committee.
Requests for use of funds outside standard policy must be referred to the Executive Committee.
Funds shall be disbursed to schools twice during the year, unless an exception is granted by the Executive Director.
The Executive Director has the discretion to establish the allocation amount for each school depending on historical records and needs.
Funds shall be used mainly to provide students with basic necessities, such as clothing, shoes, glasses, hearing aids, coats, etc.
If a continuous need exists for a student or family, the proper community agency should be contacted. Caution should be used in assisting a student on an unlimited basis
Schools requiring items basic to educational program and for which the school has an obligation (fees, textbooks, athletic equipment, etc.) should seek other funding sources, rather than use NKOA funds.
Caution should be exercised for any expenditure of funds for dental or medical services. Consult with the Executive Director prior to expending funds for these purposes.
Funds may be used to defray the cost of educational field trips for students who cannot pay full fare.
Funds are not to be used to support other charitable organizations or their projects.
Funds may not go directly to a student or to his/her family members.
Funds are allocated only upon receipt of the Application to Participate or a written request for funds is submitted to the Executive Director. Funds are generally distributed twice per year.
The Application to Participate must be signed by the superintendent of schools, treasurer, principal or other administrative personnel.
Mid-Year, Year-End, and Expenditure Report Forms must be submitted in order for a school to remain in the program.
A separate account for NKOA funds or restricted fund for NKOA shall be established. Receipts for disbursements shall be retained for two years. All NKOA checks are issued in the name of the school or school district.
Debt should not be incurred on the basis that NKOA funds will be received at a future date.
Schools are at liberty to request additional funding at any time, if there’s an emergency or they run out of money. All such requests should be made in writing to
Funds shall not be delivered to the school if the balance on hand is greater than 50% of the allocation received. All reports must be submitted for money to be distributed.
The NKOA Executive Director shall be notified of any changes in personnel administering the funds.