Our Vision

Our vision is a Cincinnati Tri-State area where all children have the opportunity to grow up free from poverty.

Our Mission

Neediest Kids of All is a passionate nonprofit (501c3 organization) dedicated to fighting childhood poverty by providing basic necessities, supporting mental wellness, and funding educational experiences to underprivileged school aged children in the Cincinnati Tri-State area.

Our Values

Nurturing: We are nurturing to the children we serve.

Knowledgeable: We are knowledgeable about childhood poverty in the Cincinnati Tri-State area.

Opportunity Seeking: We seek out opportunities to provide services for children in poverty. 

Accountable: We are accountable to our donors, partners, and the community we serve.

Our Beliefs

The fastest way to end childhood poverty is through education.  Therefore, we have a strong partnership with school districts in the Cincinnati Tri-State area serving a high percentage of children in poverty.

Fulfilling basic needs and supporting strong mental wellness are both critical to the healthy development of school aged children and necessary for learning.

Recognizing the educational opportunities field trips provide and the safe, enriching environment created in summer camps, we believe these are important for children’s well-being


These are some of the basic necessities that NKOA provides for local area children, as well as educational opportunities - field trips, camp experiences and training programs.

 Helping over 700 schools and Head Start sites in 17 counties in the Greater Cincinnati tri-state area.

What We've Achieved

Total raised this year:   $496,161

Total raised since 1952: $27,757,441

Total amount disbursed over the last decade: $5,379,436

Number of children helped over the last decade: 173,624

Number of items purchased over the last decade: 290,131